Thursday, March 6, 2014

Vaping experiment

Ok, so I have a confession to make... I am not only a cigar smoker, which my doctor says is perfectly fine, but is also use smokeless tobacco (dip). I have a few coworkers that have kicked the nasty habit using an e-cigarette type device. After weeks of research I picked the model I want and the retailer I'm going to be purchasing it from. I have decided on the EVOD from KangerTech and will be making the purchase from They have an excellent price on the kit and the juice to go in it, as well as the parts needed for repair and maintenance. I hope to get my order sent in Monday and will be posting about my journey here. I am excited to find tobacco flavored juice and even some that claim to be similar to a real cigar. I don't plan to use this device to quit cigars, only the nasty habit of dipping. This will make my son, doctor, dentist, and my loving wife very happy. I may even add some modifications (mods) since I already have about 20 18950 batteries lying around the house. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit and check them out. Stay tuned for updates and progress. This is not only a good method for kicking the dippin habit but cigarettes as well. I know it's hard for some to imagine anyone who loves cigars hating cigarettes, but I do with a passion.

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